A popular new trend, ‘vaping,’ has certainly stirred up some controversy in recent years, even as it continues to grows in popularity. For instance, many people believe e-cigarettes are as deadly and addictive as traditional tobacco-based cigarettes. However, others claim that e-cigarettes are safer because they don’t contain tobacco and are free from the thousands of chemicals used in the production of regular cigarettes.
As more people seek an alternative to addictive, traditional cigarettes, a new organic vaping product has emerged that could end some of the controversy over vaping versus smoking and even help reduce stress.
What is Organic Vaping?
An organic electronic vaping device contains liquid nicotine products. Unlike other e-cigarettes, however, the nicotine in this new product is extracted from certified organic, US grown tobacco.
Organic e-liquids are certified by the USDA-accredited agency, Quality Assurance International. Every aspect of creating the product is subjected to regular inspections by this agency. QAI certification requires adherence to high standards of quality control, transparency, and cleanliness.
Strict attention to detail is what makes organic vaping products superior. For example:
- Protective glass bottles eliminate sun damage or oxygen contamination.
- Child resistant caps protect young children.
- Purity and long shelf-life assured by phenolic droppers in the bottles.
- Stainless steel and glass components.
- Recycled materials used in packaging.
With these high standards in mind, a person can enjoy vaping and avoid the toxic traditional cigarettes that they would resort to if there were no safe alternatives such as these organic e-cigarettes.
Does Vaping Reduce Stress?
One of the benefits of vaping is the sense of stress-relief experienced by many users. Similar to the relaxing effect felt by individuals who use tobacco products, the liquid nicotine in e-cigarettes also produces this calming effect without adverse consequences.
Some people are attracted to e-cigarettes because of the variety of flavored juices available. Traditional cigarettes offer only two choices in flavors, menthol or regular. However, vaping products come in popular flavors such as cafe latte, apple caramelo, ginger spice, peanut brittle, mango, blackberry, and many more. When a person feels stressed, they often crave sweets. With these flavored juices, they can satisfy their sweet-tooth and enjoy a smoke all at the same time.
Vaping vs. Smoking: Are There Any Health Benefits?
One of the major health benefits of vaping over smoking is the absence of hundreds of dangerous chemicals that are present in tobacco products. Also, there is some merit in the fact that e-cigarettes don’t expose other people to the dangers of secondhand smoke or the offensive odor that most people wish to avoid.
Although e-cigarettes can contain nicotine, the user gets the benefit of nicotine without inhaling combustible tobacco, chemicals, and paper. In contrast, the vapor from an electronic cigarette is created by steam that results from heating the liquid nicotine. No need for messy, smelly ashtrays or unsightly cigarette butt litter.
Know the Facts Before Getting Started
The health benefits of vaping versus smoking are still openly debated. Studies are underway to determine the efficacy of these products. The best way to know whether organic vape products are safe for you personally is to do some research and don’t rely on hearsay. Look for facts that are supported by reliable sources.
Making a Choice
With so many vaping products on the market today, it’s hard to know which one is best. They all claim to be exactly what you need or want. To clear up some of the confusion, there are some qualities you should look for before choosing a vaping product. When comparing other e-cigarettes to organic ones, you will find that the organic products are the only ones that are completely free from the following:
- artificial sweeteners
- palm oil
- propylene glycol
- irradiated ingredients
- chemicals and pesticides
Vaping is becoming more popular and our goal is to provide a healthier and more enjoyable product. If you would like more information about organic vape, we invite you to visit our website today.