There may be many reasons for switching to electronic cigarette use. However, successfully making this switch is not as simple as picking up a kit at the store and vaping away. One of the benefits of electronic cigarettes is the fact that an individual can choose the e-liquid that best suits their needs and desires, and this includes understanding PG and VG[1] so that you can choose the best PG-VG ratio in your e-liquid.
Choosing the Best PG-VG Ratio
PG is a colorless, organic, thin liquid compound used as a preservative in many FDA approved medications. VG is an organic, thick liquid compound used in foods, medications, soaps and even cosmetic products. Choosing the correct PG-VG ratio in your e-liquid has a lot to do with your vaping equipment, as well as the vaping experience you wish to have. Following are some basic points to consider:
● Most clearomizers, dripping atomizers and RDAs can work with any PG-VG ratio you choose. This means that you can choose the ratio that provides you with the taste you prefer.
● Cartomizers and carto tanks do better with 100% PG e-liquids or some sort of PG-VG blend. This is because cartomizers have thick poly-fill surrounding the heating element, and this poly-fill needs to be able to absorb e-liquid in order to work. Carto tanks also require that e-liquid be thin enough to be absorbed through holes in the cartomizer.
● E-liquids that contain 100% VG will produce bigger, fluffier clouds of vapor, which many individuals find satisfying. However, these bigger vapor clouds will require a compromise, as 100% VG formulations often have less intense flavors.
● E-liquids that contain 100% PG will have more flavor, but they also come with a compromise: vapor clouds are far smaller than those produced with 100% VG formulations.
● E-liquids with an even PG-VG ratio can provide the individual with a mixture of intense flavor as well as big, fluffy vapor clouds.
● E-liquids that have higher PG concentrations normally provide the same sort of throat hit that tobacco cigarettes provide, which can be helpful when one is trying to fight off tobacco cigarette cravings, while e-liquids that have higher VG concentrations normally go down more smoothly.
You may decide you need to play around with different PG-VG ratios until you find the exact ratio that works best for you, and this is perfectly normal. It can be highly satisfying in the long run, and therefore well worth the effort.
[1] http://vaping360.com/pg-vs-vg-what-is-the-difference-and-what-should-i-use/