One of many benefits to vaping over tobacco smoking is the richness of flavor you can experience with e-juices. That said, e-juices are just like wine in that they need to age–or steep–in order to reach full flavor. This is because of the natural alcohols in the e-juice, while necessary to help form the flavor, do not taste very good to vape. When allowed to steep, these natural alcohols will either evaporate or break down and fuse with flavors so as to enhance them.[1] Instead of a harsh, chemical taste, you can enjoy a rich, smooth flavor that makes vaping all the more wonderful.
Speed Steeping
While steeping an e-juice may not take nearly as long as properly aging a wine, it can still take longer than one wants to spend–anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks. If you wait to nearly run out of e-juice before you acquire more, you may find that your new shipment arrives just when you are ready to use it. This is where speed steeping can come in handy–you can still get the flavor benefits of steeping but on an accelerated time frame–anywhere from a couple of hours to one day.
Following are some effective speed steeping methods:
- The hot rice method. With this method, you put enough dry rice in a microwaveable bowl that it will be able to cover your e-juice bottles once it has been heated. Then, warm up the rice in the microwave until it is hot, take it out and bury your e-juice bottles in the rice. As the rice cools down, you can remove the bottles and repeat the process until your e-juice reaches the desired flavor levels.
- The hot tap water method. With this method, you place your e-juice bottle inside a waterproof plastic bag and place the bag in a bowl of hot tap water. As the water cools down, you can remove the bag with your e-juice bottle and repeat the process until your e-juice reaches the desired flavor levels.
- The crock pot method. With this method, you place your e-juice bottle inside a waterproof plastic bag and place this inside a crock pot that has been filled with water. Then you turn the crock pot onto the lowest possible setting and check the e-juice flavor every few hours until it reaches the desired level.
- The space heater method. With this method, you place your e-juice bottle inside a waterproof plastic bag and place the bag in a bowl of hot tap water. Set the bowl between eight and twelve inches away from the heater, and turn the heater on to its lowest setting. Check the e-juice flavor every few hours until it reaches the desired level.
- The hot car method. With this method, you place your e-juice bottle inside the glovebox of a hot car and check the flavor every few hours until it reaches the desired level.
It is important to recognize that your speed steeping method will need to take into account the type of e-juice container you have. Obviously, a glass container can withstand any sort of heat well, while a plastic container can melt in certain situations. Also, bear in mind that different flavors and qualities of e-juices often require varying amounts of steeping, so it is important is test your e-juice along the way in order to determine how much steeping works best to achieve your flavor needs.
Some high-quality e-juices actually arrive pre-steeped, and while they may be more expensive, they are also normally more satisfying. In the end, you may have to play around a bit to find the exact right e-juice flavor, and the exact right steeping method to achieve your desired goals.
[1] https://www.mittenvapors.com/blog/recommended-eliquid-steeping-instructions-howto/