The quality of juices at gives you the ability to not only enhance the moments of your life, but to create new ones out of thin air. Whether you’re laying low after a casual Saturday morning breakfast, stretching out in front of the fireplace on a snowy winter’s evening, or basking in the heat…
Category: Blog
Pure ECig vs. Cigarettes
While the act of using an ECig can visually appear to resemble smoking a cigarette, the two products could not be any more different. Cigarettes kill more people every year than HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, and firearm-related incidents combined for a total of more than 480,000 deaths each year in…
Is Vaping a Safer Alternative to Smoking
There is nothing about using a liquid vaporizer that is inherently harmful to your health. That’s your short answer. However, not all juices are created equal, and there are some products that you should avoid. Many mass-market e-liquids have been found to contain substances that are harmful to our health[1] (chemicals like propylene glycol and…