While many health professionals have stated that vaping is far safer than tobacco smoking, there are still other health professionals that affirm that vaping is toxic and dangerous and therefore should be avoided at all costs. In an attempt to alarm you, they may even assert that certain ingredients used in e-juices, such as propylene glycol, are highly dangerous.
What Vapers Need to Know About Propylene Glycol
Propylene glycol[1], or PG, is a synthetic, water-soluble, substance that is non-toxic and easily metabolized when ingested in small amounts. PG may indeed be toxic if it is consumed in high volumes, but the truth is so are many other household items that we use every day. In actual fact, PG is present in the world around us, even if one doesn’t vape at all or doesn’t spend any time near anyone who does vape. It is used widely in pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics and even anti-freeze. So the question becomes whether PG is inhaled in safe or unsafe volumes by vapers.
Studies that have been performed on animals[2] have shown that PG inhalation, even in fairly high concentrations and over an extended period of time, doesn’t seem to lead to major problems in the body or organs. Studies that have been performed on humans have shown that PG inhalation may cause some irritation of upper airways and some coughing, but little else. In fact, one study even reviewed the effects of vaporized PG that was pumped into the children’s ward of a hospital, and found that it reduced infections without causing any known negative side effects.
It appears that there isn’t much for one to be concerned about regarding inhaling PG when vaping. The risks inherent in vaping are definitely far fewer and less severe than the risks inherent in tobacco smoking. Of course, moderation is always best. Vapers who vape a lot all day, every day may find that over time, they experience some irritation of upper airways and some coughing. E-juices that contain high-quality PG are less likely to lead to irritation when inhaled, especially if the vaper is careful to avoid overheating. Vapers who wish to reduce the potential harm possible through PG inhalation can simply minimize the amount of it that they inhale. This can be done by using higher nicotine levels so that you can vape less frequently, with fewer inhalations each time.
In the event that you have a sensitivity to PG, there are PG-free e-liquids. Check out the ones available in our store!
[1] http://www.naturallycurly.com/curlreading/curl-products/curlchemist-the-truth-and-fiction-about-propylene-glycol/ [2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21683116