There is no shortage of companies making ECig juices. Nor is there a lack of flavors on the market: whether you’re trying to kick smoking and want something similar to a cigarette, or your sweet tooth is craving a full-blown 1950’s diner style strawberry milkshake that makes you feel like you’re wearing a poodle skirt.
But, among the sea of juice producers, who is the cream of the crop?
Top Rated ECig Juices
This past October, ecigarettereviewed.com made it their goal to find just that by opening a public poll for users to vote for their favorite juice brands. Their poll makes mention of the top 20 brands, with the top 10 listed below:
1. Vape Wild E-Juice
2. Boosted E-Juice
3. The Steam Factory E-Juice
4. Mech Sauce E-Juice
5. Casey Jones Mainline Reserve
6. Mitten Vapors E-Juice
7. Dr. Crimmy’s V-Liquid
8. Smiley e Liquid
9. Beantown Vapor E-Juice
10. Cuttwood Vapors E-Juice
What the Results Mean
While it is no doubt a great industry honor to make this list, we happened to notice a few things when going through the results.
Our name is not on this list, so it must clearly be invalid. Just kidding. As such a new brand, this isn’t a big surprise. But, expect to see us on there in the near future!
From a statistical standpoint, the results should be taken with a grain of salt. That is, no single brand seemed to really dominate the voting (the number one is by no means the nation’s favorite juice brand). The number twenty brand clocked in just over 1% of votes, the number ten brand just under 2.5%, and the number one brand had 8.65% of all votes (none of which even remotely come close to a majority vote). This, again, should not come as a great surprise. Furthermore, it should not be seen as a negative, but instead indicative of how saturated the market for ejuices has become.
The companies that make up the top 20 literally come from the four corners of the country. Alabama, California, Chicago, Virginia, you name it. This can also be a strong explanation for the low percentages across the board: participants are going to be more likely to support a regional favorite with votes than something they have less affiliation with.
Though, not a single brand on this list can claim 100% certified organic, PG free products. If you’re looking for USDA certified organic, and absolutely no PG in your e-liquid, why not take a look at these two, best-selling flavors:
Have a local favorite that you think should have made the list? Give them a shout-out in the comments below.