In addition to the many health benefits that come with switching from tobacco cigarettes to electronic cigarettes, there is also the fact that you will be able to enjoy a much wider range of flavor choices. Unfortunately, a vaper’s initial excitement about searching for the best possible e-liquid flavor can wane quickly when they are…
Tag: vaping
When Should I Upgrade My Vape
Whether you are a beginning or more experienced vaper, you have likely discovered that there are many wonderful benefits of switching from tobacco smoking to vaping. You have also discovered that vaping is slightly more complicated than tobacco smoking, requiring more equipment and know-how. Starter kits are a great way to become acquainted with vaping…
5 Common Mistakes Vapers Make That Ruin Their Vaping Products
There are many wonderful benefits to vaping, especially if you are switching to vaping from tobacco smoking, but it does require that you learn about, acquire and take care of vaping equipment. The equipment you use doesn’t have to be complicated to work well, but it does have to be well taken care of in…
5 Reasons Why Every Vaper Should Own a Vape Pen
While some individuals choose to take up vaping for pure pleasure and enjoyment, many other individuals choose to take up vaping as a safer and healthier alternative to tobacco smoking. In the latter case, the individual is often aware of the fact that vaping can be slightly more complicated than tobacco smoking, with more supplies…
How Vaping Could Improve Asthma Symptoms
Few individuals are unaware of the many damaging effects of cigarette smoking. In fact, those individuals who enjoy cigarette smoking are often torn by their desire to continue experiencing the pleasures of smoking and their desire to disconnect from a habit that they know has dramatic effects on their overall health. Individuals who suffer from…
Is Vaping Safe for Diabetics
While vaping may initially have been viewed as a sort of novelty, it has long since gained popularity as a safer, healthier alternative to cigarette smoking. Many individuals have even discovered that vaping helps them to quit smoking altogether, especially since they can control the amount of nicotine that is present in their e-juice. Clearly…
Vaping Vocab: 6 Buzzwords Users Should Know
For many individuals, the choice to switch from tobacco smoking to vaping is incredibly easy. After all, even scientists and health professionals have noted the many benefits of making the transition.[1] However, the truth is that vaping is just not as simple as tobacco smoking, and some individuals may very well decide to give up…
What Does Your E-Cigarette Say About You?
Just as the style of clothes you wear can give onlookers clues into your personality, so too can your e-cigarette. Everything from the brand of e-cigarette you choose to the color of the unit, the battery you use, the e-juice flavor you prefer and more can give clues into who you are. So what does…
Conduction vs. Convection: Which is Best for Dry Herb Vaping
With the rising popularity of vaping, more and more individuals are discovering that not only are there a number of different flavors, like Vape Organics’ Caffè Latte, and products to vaporize, but there are also a number of different vaporizing methods. Individuals who enjoy dry herb vaping often wonder whether conduction or convection[1] is the better method…
Mouth Hits vs Lung Hits: What’s the Difference
There are obviously many differences between tobacco smoking and vaping[1], but one of the most noticeable differences is the vaper’s ability to produce lung hits, whereas tobacco smokers typically only experience mouth hits. But what’s the difference between the two? Mouth Hits and Lung Hits Tobacco smokers typically inhale smoke into their mouth and then…